Day 5 : There's a lion in my cornflakes

It's one of the video in the youtube channel managed by a Taiwanese English teacher, Wendy Wu.

She recommends many interesting children books and reads them in an intriguing tone. I love to read this kind of short, simple and yet meaningful children books.

For example, the book in the video above begins with a very unexpected scenario: A cereal company offers free lion with collecting 100 coupons from the corn flakes package. And I feel "wow", wait what, a free lion as the cereal toy?!

Many kids had successfully redeemed the lions as their pets. The park was full of the lions accompanying the kids to do whatever things there, and I started to imagine too......

And the story goes on unexpectedly with a not-so-smooth experience of the main character -- he couldn't get a free lion. Instead, he got a free grizzly bear, a bathroom-hogging crocodile, and a wrecking great gorilla. What were they? Let's read the whole in the video.

Hehe it's what make me so in love of the children books, as they are always out of logic and full of imaginary.

Youtube Channel:
