Day 36 : 56 names of sugar

1. Barley malt *
2. Barbados sugar *
3. Beet sugar *
4. Brown sugar *
5. Buttered syrup *
6. Cane juice *
7. Cane sugar *
8. Caramel *
9. Corn syrup 
10. Corn syrup solids 
11. Confectioner’s sugar *
12. Carob syrup *
13. Castor sugar *
14. Date sugar *
15. Dehydrated cane juice *
16. Demerara sugar *
17. Dextran
18. Dextrose
19. Diastatic malt
20. Diatase
21. Ethyl maltol
22. Free Flowing Brown Sugars
23. Fructose *
24. Fruit juice *
25. Fruit juice concentrate *
26. Galactose 
27. Glucose
28. Glucose solids
29. Golden sugar *
30. Golden syrup *
31. Grape sugar *
32. HFCS (High Frustose Corn Syrup… Very Bad!) *
33. Honey *
34. Icing sugar *
35. Invert sugar *
36. Lactose
37. Malt
38. Maltodextrin
39. Maltose
40. Malt syrup
41. Mannitol
42. Maple syrup *
43. Molasses *
44. Muscovado *
45. Panocha *
46. Powdered Sugar
47. Raw sugar *
48. Refiner’s syrup *
49. Rice syrup
50. Sorbitol
51. Sorghum syrup*
52. Sucrose *
53. Sugar (granulated) *
54. Treacle *
55. Turbinado sugar *
56. Yellow sugar *

Bonus (Fake Sugars):

*Contains fructose

The FDA considers sugar to be one of the following six compounds: glucose, fructose, maltose (glucose-glucose), lactose (glucose-galactose), and sucrose (glucose-fructose). By equating them in Total Sugars in the ingredients label, we couldn't distinguish which are driving insulin release (weight gain) and which are driving insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome), which is way worse.

The food industry has allowed by FDA not to list how much added sugar to any given food, because they claimed that it is proprietary information which has to hide away from their competitors.

In addition, there is no Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for sugar because sugar is considered to provide only energy, not nutrition. It is sad that that's why we have no maximal DRI for sugar so the food industry ought not to reduce the amount of added sugar to those processed foods. And it lead to epidemic of metabolic syndrome in the world.

Book <Sugar Has 56 Names: A Shopper's Guide (A Penguin Special from Hudson Street Press> 2013
List of 56 names of sugar
