Sweet potato is one of the most nutritious food in the world. It is diabetic friendly because it is one of the low glycemic index food. The fiber in sweet potato helps lower blood sugar by slowing the absorption rate of the glucose into the bloodstream. It does not mean that diabetics should eat them indiscriminately. The idea is to replace rice or carbohydrate intake with sweet potatoes.
It is beneficial to eat the sweet potato with the skin as it contains a number of additional nutrients.
1. Fiber
A serving of sweet potato with the skin provides more fiber than a serving of oatmeal. The roughage in sweet potato prevents constipation and resultant acid formation, thereby reducing the chance of stomach ulcers.
2. Beta-carotene
Sweet potato with skin is an excellent source of beta-carotene. A medium size of sweet potato has four times the recommended daily value of beta-carotene.
3. Vitamin C
A sweet potato has nearly half the recommended daily value of vitamin C and 100 percent of the daily recommended value for vitamin E.
4. Potassium and Iron
A medium sized sweet potato with the skin contains nearly 1/5 of the recommended daily value for potassium. The skin is also a good source of iron.
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